What We Expect: When it comes to making a recommendation for a deacon, it is important to know what we expect of our deacons at McConnell Baptist Church before making a recommendation. Other than they meet the biblical qualifications (see page 2) for a deacon, here are some of the practical expectations that we have of our deacons when it comes to serving in this capacity:

• SHOW UP: Deacons are expected to lead by example. That means showing up when there is a church function that requires their assistance and leadership. Deacons are expected to attend regularly scheduled deacons’ meetings and huddles as scheduled.

• STAND UP: Deacons are expected to represent our church in the community and to reflect the values of our church and the Lord Jesus Christ. They should be men who support and assist in making the vision of our church a reality.

• KEEP UP: A large part of our deacons’ responsibilities center around their deacon family ministry. Deacons are expected to stay in communication with the families they are assigned to by making calls, visiting in the home and the hospital when necessary, and communicating the needs of their families back to deacon body and church staff.

• PRAY UP: Deacons are expected to be men of prayer. This means that they should be praying for their families, the church, and the community on a regular basis.


These are some of the things that you should consider as you prayerfully consider recommending someone to serve as a deacon. Our deacons serve for terms of three years after having been nominated and elected by the church.

If you are a McConnell church member, please submit up to five (5) names for recommendation to this office. Nominees for deacon must have been a McConnell church member for at least one year. Those who are EXCLUDED from this initial recommendation process are those currently serving as listed below:


Chuck Adams
Mark Bennett
Sid Berkstresser
Michael Bleckley
Paul Bradbury
Leon Champion
Larry Chandler
Benny Cone
Cale Crawford
Garry Denton
Ken Dickerson
Steve Edmiston
Tom Folmar
John Gallogly


Harry Gilbert
Samuel Hanvey
Glenn Herreid
Steve Hutchison
Joey Hyatt
Danniel Ledford
Bill Miller
Ron Moody
Wayne Nelson
Johnny Nichols
Jeff Osborn
Roger Parker
Terry Parker
Richard Parkman

Bobby Plunkett
Scott Porter
Dave Rabon
Eddie Roach
Ron Robinson
Daniel Rudder
Larry Rutledge
Tony Shook
Marvin Taylor
Alec Therrel
Terry Thomas
Jacob Thornton
Jim Wagener
Steve Wiles
Bob Williams

Please place the form in the basket at the Information Station or turn into the church office by June 2, 2024. A committee of deacons will examine your recommendations, interview to determine eligibility and willingness to serve, and bring the list of nominees back to the church for election. Thank you for your prayerful participation in this very important process.

1. Good reputation (Acts 6:3). A deacon must have a good reputation in the community, as well as, with those inside the church.
2. Full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3). -The bigness of character, in spiritual outlook, and personal dedication.
3. Full of wisdom (Acts 6:3). – Wisdom born in a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
4. Full of faith (Acts 6:5). – Like Stephen’s, a deacon’s power depends on faith.
5. Sincere (1 Tim. 3:8). – One who possesses Christian purpose, who has great reverence for spiritual matters.
6. Speaks the truth in love (1 Tim. 3:8). – Dependable and responsible, in control of his tongue.
7. Not given to much wine (1 Tim. 3:8). – Temperate in living, steward of good influence, doing all to the glory of God.
8. Not greedy or materialistic (1 Tim. 3:8). – A right attitude toward material possessions; doesn’t exploit others for personal gain or profit.
9. A holder of the faith (1 Tim 3:9). – A man who gives strength to the church fellowship and possesses spiritual integrity in all matters.
10. Above reproach (1 Tim. 3:9-10). – A man against whom no charge of wrongdoing can be brought with success.
11. Tested and proved (1 Tim. 3:10). – A deacon should not be a new believer but one who has already demonstrated the spiritual qualifications before being elected to serve.
12. Christian family life (1 Tim. 3:11-12). – A deacon must be the spiritual leader in their own home, provides for their family’s physical and spiritual needs, and whose relationships with their wife and children are healthy and growing.
13. Husband of one wife (1 Tim. 3:12). – Model of faithful devotion to one spouse committed to the sanctity of the marriage bond.
14. Bold in the faith (1 Tim. 3:13). – Strong and effective because he uses his office as a deacon in the right way, for the right purpose.


1. A Deacon will accept the Bible as the inerrant authority for personal conduct and church policy.
2. A Deacon will understand his position as a “Ministering Servant.” The wishes of the congregation must have
priority over his personal wishes.
3. A Deacon will feel that the Baptist faith is the best expression of his Christian faith.
4. A Deacon will believe the teachings of 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 that his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such must be holy (set apart) for the service of God. This is to commit heart, soul, mind, and strength to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
5. A Deacon will be expected to support the total church program, with his presence and his tithes and offerings.
6. A Deacon after expressing his personal views and finding himself in the minority, must be willing to cooperate with the decision of the majority.
7. A Deacon will agree to keep confidential the deliberations of the Deacon meetings for the best interest of the church.
8. A Deacon will agree to inform Pastors but otherwise keep confidential information shared by church members.